Civil Recovery Icon Image

Civil Recovery

We provide a range of intelligent and technology-driven civil recovery solutions, a dedicated team of loss prevention professionals and comprehensive legal advice and support all working together to deter offenders and help you drive down the cost of crime in your business.

  • Company-specific, adaptable apps and analysis
  • Cases managed by qualified solicitors
  • Real-time tracking of claims and payments
  • Cashflow-friendly - NO upfront costs
Employment Screening Icon Image

Employment Screening

People are your best assets, so to help you pick the right person for the job, we provide a wide selection of personalised pre-employment screening checks and candidate vetting services designed to reduce your company’s recruitment costs and employee turnover.

  • Criminal record and CV fraud checks
  • Electoral roll and ID Verification
  • Faster recruiting times
  • Fewer bad hires
Online Fraud Detection Icon Image

Online Fraud Detection

Combining state-of-the-art technology and proven detective methods, we help businesses combat the growing number of incidents involving the selling of stolen goods on the internet with proactive solutions to safeguard stock and track down criminals.

  • Targeting individual fraudsters and organised gangs
  • Tracking stolen goods
  • Authenticating branded products
  • Fully managed service

Latest News

  • Council Employee Stole Over £1m

    7th July 2024
    As reported on the Mail Online website, a council employee stole more than £1 million from his local authority employers and spent it on foreign holidays, meals out and luxury goods. Michael Paterson - jailed for four years - took the huge amount of cash over a 17-year period, and claimed he stole to pay off his debts....
  • Fake Apple Products Seized

    30th June 2024
    According to The Bolton News website, more than 1,000 goods, including fake Apple products, have been seized as part of an anti-counterfeit crackdown. Other items included phone accessories, illegal nicotine gum and illegal cigarettes, all confiscated from a number of businesses in and around the Bolton area.
  • Accounts Manager Stole £27k

    29th June 2024
    As reported on the Nottinghamshire Police website, a former accounts manager has been given a suspended jail sentence after stealing nearly £27,000 from her employers. Louise Pitt created duplicate invoices for legitimate payments before substituting their payment details for her own.